Friday, 12 January 2018

Trick and Treat

No, it’s not Halloween come early or really late (depending on your viewpoint) it’s my perspective on resolutions for this year.

I was asked to provide some craft and other activities for an event on New Year’s Eve. It seemed obvious to consider resolutions but I was thinking of how to make it more accessible and fun. Resolutions can be enjoyable rather than simply focusing on bad habits or starting healthy ones. I began by thinking about the different areas of life; family, work, social, health & fitness, wellbeing and spirituality. In the style of 'here's one I made earlier' I began to think about what my resolutions for 2018 would be.

I realise we’re practically half way through January and you may feel the moment has passed for setting yourself a goal. The New Year is just one opportunity – it could be September, it could be the end of April or it could be tomorrow. Everyday is new and an opportunity to take a step towards your ‘good life’. It doesn’t matter when or where your journey begins, the important thing is simply to begin.

I could set myself the resolution of completing my novel or getting fit – both of which would be excellent goals for this year, but both seem too big and scary. Instead I have decided upon five different tasks that I want to try and incorporate – some for the year, some for a period of time. Each one will take me closer to the ‘good life.’ Some of these actions are tricks for my brain – they are steps on the way to those bigger goals and who knows, they may help me achieve them.

One of my steps is to have clear mornings. This means being at home, sitting at my desk and starting the day with whatever writing tasks I have set myself as priorities. I’m finding that I am getting more done, so I am feeling less concerned by what gets ‘achieved’ in the afternoons.

Another of my tasks is to walk (briskly and for a reasonable distance) three times a week. I have two lovely friends who are also free and happy to walk with me. This helps me keep on track. It’s much easier walking together rather than trying to complete all three walks on my own.

One of the things I wanted to do this year was something new and to make time for something I enjoy. With this is mind I recently found myself a piano teacher and booked a lesson. I had piano lessons growing up and reached Grade 5, but have not really invested any time or effort into keeping it up as an adult. I am hoping that some lessons will inspire me to tickle the ivories in our lounge more regularly. I don’t have a goal beyond having the lessons - I certainly don’t want to do any more grades! I hope that having made the little steps of booking the lessons and finding some pieces that excite me, the passion to play will follow.

2018 for me will be year of small steps; tricking myself into achieving bigger goals. The achievements will be treats in and of themselves. I have also chosen goals that are pure treat – that have no function other than bringing more variety and fun into my life. One of which is to watch a film of my choice once a fortnight. 

 “We love films because they make us feel something. They speak to our desires, which are never small. They allow us to escape and to dream and to gaze into the eyes that are impossibly beautiful and huge. They fill us with longing. But also, they tell us to remember; they remind us of life.”   
(Nina LacCour)

  I encourage you, take a step towards your dream and chase after the good life this year. Trick yourself into believing you can do it and then do it!

Happy New Year!


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